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Writer's pictureSuzy's Swirl

Daylight Savings Time

Sundaes with Sue

Finally, an extra hour of daylight! Does anyone really know why we Spring ahead in the Spring? Some research says it was Benjamin Franklin’s idea to conserve candles. In fact, the United States has been using Daylight Savings Time on and off since 1918 for wartime reasons. Finally, in 2007, it was proposed to “spring ahead” on the 2nd Sunday in March and to “fall back” on the 1st Sunday in November.

Let’s look at the positives of DST – we all get an extra hour of daylight! That extra hour of daylight is truly a boost for our mental health! After eating a lot of heavy comfort foods all winter, we can now try lighter and brighter meals! Of course more Vitamin D! Say good bye to dull and dry hair and skin! Let’s all get out and say hi to our neighbors again and take a walk! I personally, love this day!

I suggest you use your extra hour of daylight and come into Suzy’s Swirl! We are swirling some sensational spring flavors!

Pineapple Whip, Mint Chip, Orange, Greek Tart, just to name a few – don’t they just make your mouth water! No matter what time of day or night it is, it’s always a good time for Suzy’s Swirl!

Keep Calm and Swirl On!


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