Oh, the things that can happen in 90 Days! High School and College Seniors will be graduating in approximately 90 Days. A first trimester of a pregnancy is 90 Days. The first 90 Days of recovery from so many illnesses! 90 Days is such a milestone number for so many events!
It’s amazing all of the wonderful things that can be accomplished in 90 Days! Did you know that 90 Days equals 129,600 minutes and 2160 hours? 90 Days is the start of one season and the end of another! Some may think 90 Days seems so very long and others think it just flies by in a blink of an eye!
Suzy’s Swirl just wrapped up 90 Days of a Winter Break. During our close we worked hard refreshing the store, adding new products and toppings and brightening the store up! We also spent countless days working on bringing our Suzy’s Swirl Spirit Pints to the retail market. We also have become a Happiness Café. There are only a handful of Happiness Café’s in the USA. We thought their message was one we had to be a part of. It’s so simple, “Try to Create More Happiness into the World!”
All of us at Suzy’s Swirl appreciate your patience in waiting for us to open on March 1st! We know for some 90 Days has seemed like a lifetime and for us it has gone by in a blink! We are so excited to see all of our customers who have become our dear friends and family! We look forward to the next 90 Days and the next and the next and the next!
Each new moment is a chance to start afresh. Take a breath and begin again. – Action for Happiness