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Birthdays, Weddings and Babies OH MY!!

Suzy's Swirl

First and foremost, I would like to wish my daughter Julie, a very Happy Birthday! I find it so hard to believe she will be 24 years old today! I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday! Julie was born on a beautiful spring day, very much like today! Fast forward 24 years and here we are! Time really does go by so quickly! I am so proud of her and all that she has accomplished!

It is something to watch your children become self sufficient adults, getting married and having children of their own! We all dream of what our children's futures are going to look like, we hope for the best - prepare for a few missteps, and we hope for the best again! As a parent we pray that our kids will have it easier than we did, we try to help them as best as we can and we hope to instill in them a good foundation to build their families and thrive!

Yesterday, I had the great pleasure to attend my nieces baby shower! Baby clothes, swaddles, blankets, books, gadgets and baby bags..... This sweet little baby now has so many fun, sweet and helpful little onesies and gadgets galore! It's hard to believe that this baby will need so many things! They truly will use everything and have so much fun with it all!

In the next few months I too, will have a new grandbaby and will be able to enjoy spoiling this little guy! Plus, very soon I'll be watching my other son get married to the love of his life! All good things! All so many blessings! It's so very hard to believe that my sweet babies are parents, spouses and loving every minute of it!

As your little kids start their baseball games, recitals, soccer games this summer, enjoy it all!

Take it from me, they grow up so fast and time goes by so fast, take pleasure in it all! In a blink of an eye your little one will suddenly be having a little one of their own! As the saying goes, stop and take time to smell the roses! Don't forget to celebrate all of these happy times at Suzy's Swirl! We love being a part of it too!

No matter how small or tall, young or old let your kids know how much you love them each and every day!



205 Waukegan Rd. Lake Bluff 60044

Located Inside Donati's Pizza  

950 N Western Ave Lake Forest 60045

Located Inside Duffers Pub  •  224-544-5189  

© 2021 SUZY’S SWIRL. Web Design by
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