Count Your Blessings
As we wake up this morning let us take a moment and count our blessings! This past Friday night six states, including Illinois, experienced a devastating and deadly tornado. In the dark of the night towns were ripped to shreads and so many lives lost.
News like this makes me stop and count my many blessings! I pause and look at all of the people and things that are important to me. So many of us are in the hustle and bustle mode of the holidays. We are trying to still find that perfect gift, wrap presents and plan our Christmas dinner. Let us all take a moment and ask what is truly important!
At the end of the day, it really is not about that perfect gift, how it is wrapped or about the food on the table. The truly most meaningful gift of the Christmas season is being able to be with your family and friends! I am sure if we asked the families in Edwardsville, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee or Arkansas that they would agree!
This Christmas instead of counting the number of gifts under the tree, count your many, many blessings! Hug your kids, wish your neighbors a Merry Christmas, give a couple dollars to the bell ringer because life is short, don’t take it for granted!
God Bless us all and God Bless all of those you have been touched by the devastating tornado in Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi and Missouri!
Beginning today, make it a habit to count your blessings every day!
Shadonna Richards