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Friends- family-food

As we have heard over and over again, these holidays are going to be different. For me, instead of focusing on what is going to be different, I am going to embrace all that is the same! For Thanksgiving I plan on making new and traditional dishes, reaching out to my friends and spending time with family, even if it is a zoom call! Together we all have so much to be thankful for. When we stop and share a meal with family and friends, all the troubles of the world will pause! I believe it just depends on what you want to focus on. I also know, that sometimes that is easier said than done!

As we move past Thanksgiving, our focus will be onto Christmas. Christmas is such a magical time of the year. The twinkle of Christmas lights, the anticipation of Santa coming, the goodwill of strangers and depending on where you live, the snow white dusting on the ground all shout Christmas! How can we forget Christmas Cookies! Even during uncertain times, Christmas can still be a magical time! This Christmas, I think, focusing on those in need is going to be more important than any other year before! As much as I enjoy shopping and baking for my family and friends, this year, I intend to make sure I give back too!

Each and every day is going to be topsy turvey! There are days I feel that I am on a roller coaster ride and I do not like roller coasters! I hope and pray that together we can truly remember what the holidays are all about. Being thankful for what we have, thankful for family and friends and blessed for the Angels watching over us! Just one day at a time my friends! Some may think this is a “Pollyannaish” way of thinking and living, but it sure beats the alternative!

I hope we all find the time to be with our family, reach out to old and dear friends and enjoy a simple meal with your family or make Christmas Cookies for the neighbors! Let’s not complicate it all – let us be Thankful!

God Bless Us All!

The thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings

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