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Good Bye 2018 – Hello 2019

Sundaes with Sue

On this last Sunday of 2018, many of us are getting ready to ring in the New Year of 2019! Many of us may be reflecting on all that happened this year! Then automatically thinking about what our New Year’s Resolutions for 2019 will be!

There are a few statistics out there about how successful people are with New Year’s Resolutions! One statistic says that 53% of Americans resolve to save more money in the New Year and another says that 40% of Americans resolve to lose weight or get in better shape! Another statistic says that only 8% of Americans are successful with their New Year’s Resolutions! Yikes, so what are we all supposed to do???

I suggest, trying a different way to set yourself up for success this 2019! Maybe a simple “reset” to your current goals and ambitions! Give yourself some flexibility with your resolutions! You may not be able to save $100.00 each week, but maybe you can save $25.00 each week! Try to work out, maybe twice a week vs. each day! Then as time goes on, you can figure out how to reach your goals vs. doing it all at once!

A New Year’s Resolution that doesn’t cost you anything or take up any extra time is to just Be Kind to Others! Done and Done!

As 2018 comes to an end and 2019 begins, Suzy’s Swirl wants to say Thank You to all of our great customers, supporters, family and friends!

It never goes unnoticed that you have chosen Suzy’s Swirl and we are grateful! Suzy’s Swirl Wishes All of You a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Have a Swirling Great 2019!


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