Today marks the beginnng of Holy Week for the Easter holiday! This is my most favorite holiday of the year! Easter represents a time of renewal and new beginnings! Not only is it a very spiritual time of rebirth - it is also a time of rebirth outside in nature and for us!
Take a look around your yard outside! Trees are starting to have new buds on the branches, tulips and daffodils are beginning to pop from the ground and all of the birds are waking us up to their joyful chirping! As the saying goes, "April Showers bring May Flowers" and that's exactly what is happening! The grass is changing from brown to green and our days are getting longer! Spring is in the air!
For these past 5 months we have been hibernating in our homes! Huddled together under blankets and binge watching netflix shows! It's time to get outside, say hello to our neighbors and clean off the cobwebs in our grill. April is here and it's time to refresh our minds, body and soul!
I hope you are all able to take time this week to reflect on the holiday! It has always been a goal of mine to attend every Church service during Holy Week. I've made it to a few, not an entire week of special Holy Week services. One of these Easter Holy Weeks I will though!
Again, I really love Easter and all of the special meanings and moments that go with it! Of course, I enjoy peeps, malted milk ball eggs and chocolate bunnies too! Who doesn't like coloring hard boiled eggs and then making delicious deviled eggs! Yummy!

I hope you all have a Blessed Holy Week and a Very Happy Easter!
Easter Speills out Beauty, the Rare Beauty of New Life - S.D. Gordon