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Writer's pictureSuzy's Swirl

Keep the faith

Keep the Faith has been my Mantra for a very long time! There are some days that I am better at than others – as my family will attest to! LOL! With all that has happened in our world and continues to happen – Keeping the Faith is one thing that we can all do together!

I don’t know about you, but I cannot believe it is the end of May. Kids are graduating from High School and College. Restaurants are opening to full capacity, stores are fully open, people are getting vaccinated and things seem to be getting back to our new version of a normal! Keeping the Faith is a critical part to getting to our new version of normal!

These past 17 months truly have been a challenge of our Faith. Faith can have so many different definitions – religious, personal beliefs, trust and confidence are just a few. I think Faith is a bit like a roller coaster ride – there are times when it is very high and exciting and then times when it is falling fast and you just want to throw up!

Starting today – I am going to practice living with more Faith! Each morning I am going to wake up, give thanks and set positive intentions for the day! I am going to have Faith that no matter where the day leads me it will be a good day! I am going to treat people with kindness and understanding. Listen more and judge less! I will Keep the Faith that all will be ok!

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase

Marin Luther King, Jr.


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