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Snow, MLK Day, Your Closet...

Suzy's Swirl

I have lived in Illinois my enitre life. I am mature (LOL!)

enough to remember the big snow of 1967 with a single day snowfall of 16.4 inches and then many years later, the big snow of 1999 with a single day snowfall of 18.6 inches! That's alot of snow! As many will say, Friday's snowfall could have been worse!! I want to give a huge thank you to all of the men and women who plow our highways, streets, parking lots and driveways! This is a long and hard job that does not always get the thanks and gratitude it deserves! Don't forget to say Thank You!

This Monday is Martin Luther King Day! The theme for this years 2024 MLK Day is Love, Power, Justice. Dr. King Jr. dedicated his life to making love, power, and justice a reality for all people, and especially those who had been oppressed by poverty, racism, and violence. I believe, we have come a long way, with that being said, there is still so much that needs to be done! This is a special day to really talk to our kids about MLK's story and how meaningful it is, as it will be our kids that continue to make a change in this world!

How many of you shoved bags, boxes, holiday wrapping paper, tissue paper and a lot of other stuff into your closet for the holidays? If you're like me, I used my closet as a small storage unit over the holidays! Over the holidays if I didn't have a place for something, it went into my closet. If I purchased too much candy for Christmas Stockings, it went into my closet. If I had to make any returns after the holidays, it went into my closet. Now it is time for me to clean out my closet! It's time to make those piles of keep, donate, throw away! I'm going to start the New Year with a newly organzized closet! Who's with me??

Stay warm this week, be safe on the roads, and stop in for a Sweet Treat at Suzy's Swirl!

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase"

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



205 Waukegan Rd. Lake Bluff 60044

Located Inside Donati's Pizza  

950 N Western Ave Lake Forest 60045

Located Inside Duffers Pub  •  224-544-5189  

© 2021 SUZY’S SWIRL. Web Design by
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